A Nationwide
Animal Abuse Registry

Speaking up for those that can't
Animal Cruelty
Cases Pending
in the U.S.
Offenders Listed
New York State has the highest number of Offenders
In March of 2024, Thurman Lowe Jr. attempted to kill LVMPD #K9Enzo during a violent altercation with local police. K9 Enzo was stabbed multiple times. Lowe was eventually subdued by police and Enzo was rushed to the Emergeny Vet. Below is the heroic and heartstopping video of his rescue. Lowe was recently convicted of multiple felonies, including injuries to a K9 Police Dog, and added to this very registry.
THIS is why we launched this registry. To make the public aware of monsters like this in our communities.
Credit: LVMPD
The U.S. Animal Abuse Registry is public service website to identify person(s) convicted of animal neglect, abuse, cruelty or other crimes against animals. Since our Governement refuses to launch one, we did!
Roughly 85% of people arrested for animal abuse or cruelty have had numerous past arrests, with nearly 80% having prior felonies. Around 70% of people who committed domestic violence were also found to be animal abusers.

We’ll never know exactly how many animals are abused each year because not all cruelty cases get reported. However, here are some facts that we do know:
Globally, at least one animal is abused every 60 seconds. That is nearly 526,000 annually.
Each year in the United States, thousands of animals suffer violence and die at the hands of humans.
About 250,000 animals annually are found to be victims of animal hoarding, with most living in unsanitary condtions.
An estimated 10,000 puppy mills exist in the United States, with Missouri (for the 11th consecutive year) having the most and higher number of abusive mills.
When comparing animal cruelty charges among adults, men outnumber women by 4 to 1 in almost all abuse types.
Source: Shelter Animals Count

“ I'm unapologetic in standing up for our animals. It should be bipartisan and across the board ”
Animal lover and Nevada State Assemblyman candidate